If you haven’t played this league before, you should! It’s a lot of fun. Very laid back and for all skill levels. You register as an individual and they assign you to a team. They usually do a great job of making the teams even. It’s $50 for 3.5 months of soccer!
The Lititz Over 30 Recreation Soccer League plays on Sunday evenings, beginning at 6:00 PM. We play on full size fields, have licensed referees, and play full ninety (90) minute games. We will have twenty two or more players on a team and use liberal substitutions. While the league is competitive, it is intended to be “recreational,” therefore, we do not keep standings, have playoffs, or “crown” a league champion.To register for the Lititz Over 30 Recreation Soccer League, please fill out the enclosed form, sign it, and mail it back to the address below with a check for $50.00 made out to “WICK FUTBALL CLUB.” We want to keep our mailing list updated. Registering for the league will keep you on the list. If you are not registering this year but still want to be on the list, please indicate your interest by letter or email to the addresses below. We assume no response means no interest.
We need this form with a check back no later than Monday, March 21st. The fee covers officals’ fees, team shirts and to help with field maintenance costs. We will not add additional teams or players after the deadline unless needed to fill rosters. If new players are interested in joining the league, they may send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address listed below and a registration form will be sent. Alternately, an email may be sent requesting a registration form. The form will be returned as a Microsoft Word attachment which is to be printed and returned with a check via the mail.
Play will start on April 10. The last week of play will be August 28. We will not play on the following Sundays:
Easter: 4/24 Mother’s Day: 5/8
Memorial Day: 5/29 July 4th weekend: 7/4
Dates of play will be:
- April 10, 17
- May 1, 15, 22
- June 5, 12, 19, 26
- July 10, 17, 24, 31
- August 7, 14, 21, 28
Please, download the forms and return the sign-up/release form with your check for $50 by March 21st:
Registration form for Lititz league 2011 (pdf) Registration is closed (March 22, 2011)