CASA CLASSIC Adult Tournament – Labor Day Weekend

casa soccer tourney


CASA is expanding their Labor Day Tournament to include an Over-30 and Over-40 division.  Please see below for info and registration instructions (registration is now open). The following are answers to previous questions:

1. If you don’t have a team send Eric your contact information if there is enough interest they will put together a tournament team.

2. We are only having an over 30 and over 40 division, woman are welcome to play, but we are not having a “coed” or “female” division. (maybe next year)

3. Most adult games should not conflict with youth games, if you have a child playing or you are a coach let me know and we will do our best to eliminate conflicts.

4. Must be over 30 (or over 40) before September 1, 2012.

Adult Division Tournament

Age Groups:
Over 30 & Over 40

Labor Day Weekend, September 1-2, 2012

All Games will have 3 person Referee crew
All Teams Guaranteed at least 3 Games,  Game duration will be two- 30 minute halves, final games will be two- 45 minute halves.

Games will be held at CASA/CAPA Soccer Complex located Ranger/George Park Fields, 6003 Jonestown Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17112

Fee $300 – Deadline August 15th

To register:
Go to website

Click on the GotSoccer icon to start the registration process.

Select Open under age group and then Over 30 or Over 40 for the level.

Questions- contact Eric Beittel (717) 572-1039 or


Picture of Bryan Coe

Bryan Coe

Bryan has been playing soccer since he was 8 years old and continues to actively play as well as coach youth soccer. Bryan's mission is to help people enjoy the beautiful game throughout their lives.
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