Spring is Around the Corner: Stay Warm With Thoughts of Spring Soccer!

spring outdoor soccer 2014There’s lots of snow outside today so I thought I would warm thing up a bit and post something about Adult Outdoor Spring Soccer.
If you are looking to enter your team in a league or you are looking for a team to play with, check out the list below for where you can play.  As always let us know if you have any additions.

Men’s Outdoor Soccer

Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Soccer League

570 Guldin Road
Blandon, PA 19510
Len and Bryn Weckel  Brynlen@aol.com
Website: https://www.sportsmanager.us/EPASL.htm

The site is not well maintained, so you’re better off contacting the Weckels directly.
Unfortunately because of lack of promotion both the Open and Over-30 divisions have folded, but the Over -40s are still going strong with between 10-15 teams each season. Teams are located throughout Berks and Lancaster Counties. They have also offered Over 50 in the past, but I’m not sure about the spring. Spring season starts in April.

Capital Area Soccer League

882 Dairy Court
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Bob Russell bruss59656@aol.com

Website https://www.sportsmanager.us/CapitalAreaSoccerLeague.htm

This is a competitive league. They offer Open, Over-30 and Over-40 divisions. If you’re an individual looking to play, email Bob.

Wick Futball

Lititz, PA
Steve Meyers 626-0200
Website: https://www.wickfutball.org/

This is a recreational/non-competitive Over-30 league that plays from April until the end of August.  Players register as individuals and will be assigned to a team. The league tries to keep the skill level of all teams relatively equal. All games are in Lititz, PA.

LCBC Community Soccer

Website: https://lcbcsoccer.com/lcbcsoccer/
This is a coed league with competitive, recreational and Over-30 divisions. The league starts in the beginning of June.  Register as a team or an individual.

Women’s Outdoor Soccer

Harrisburg Area Womens SL

3808 Oxbow Drive
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Suzy Grim  suzylaz@aol.com
Website: https://www.hawsl.org

This is a women’s league in the Harrisburg area offering Open and Over-30.  Register as a team or an individual.

Berks Women’s Soccer League

304 Shelly Drive
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
Tina Toso  tinatoso14@gmail.com
Website: https://berkswomenssoccer.webs.com/

This isn’t exactly Central PA, but it is not too far away. Outdoor games are played at Cacoosing Meadows in Sinking Spring. Register as a team or an individual.


Picture of Bryan Coe

Bryan Coe

Bryan has been playing soccer since he was 8 years old and continues to actively play as well as coach youth soccer. Bryan's mission is to help people enjoy the beautiful game throughout their lives.
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