Spring is right around the corner. That means Spring adult outdoor soccer is too! If you haven’t joined a league you definitely need to get moving.
Below is a list of upcoming leagues in the central PA area.
Lancaster County and Berks County Men’s over 40 Men Travel League
Also known as Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Soccer League. they have a website, but it is broken so you are better off contacting Bryn Weckel directly if you have questions.
This is a league where you register a team. If you don’t have a team you can let the league know and they will pass your name on to the captains of the teams in the league. The games are on Sunday afternoon. The season starts on April 19.
Contact Info: Bryn Weckel brynlen@aol.com
Wick Futball League – Over 30 Men
This is technically a summer league, but it starts in April and runs through August. It is one of the best values for the money in the area. This is a league where you sign up and you are assigned a team. It is for all skill levels and they generally try to make the teams evenly matched with a variety of players so the games are competitive. Registration is not open yet, but we’ll post when it is.
The Wick Futball Over 30 Recreation Soccer League plays on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM. We play on full-size fields, have licensed referees, and play full ninety (90) minute games. We have twenty-two or more players on a team and use liberal substitutions. While the league is competitive, it is intended to be “recreational,” therefore, we do not keep standings, have playoffs, or “crown” a league champion. New players are welcome.
For more info: https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/default.aspx?portalid=11462
Capital Area Soccer League – Men’s Travel
It looks like the Open Men’s league has folded, I reached out to find out if that is true. They definitely still have Over 30 Men and Over 40 Men. Both leagues are setup so teams are registered, but the league will also help you find a team.
Registration is currently open and the spring outdoor season starts April 5.
For more info: http://www.sportsmanager.us/CapitalAreaSoccerLeague.htm
Harrisburg Area Women’s Soccer League – Over 30
This league may already be closed for registration, but I have to admit their site is another sports manager site and they are notoriously bad. I had a lot of trouble navigating the site. It keeps giving me errors. So if you are looking to play check out the site or contact them directly. I think the season also starts April 5th, but sometimes I get that info on the site sometimes I don’t.
This is also a league where teams register, but the league will help players find teams.
For more info: https://www.sportsmanager.us/HAWSL.htm
Contact Britt at hawslbritt@gmail.com
What Are We Missing?
Are we missing any adult outdoor spring leagues? Please, let us know if we are.
If you’re looking for less organized soccer check out our pickup page.