Registration for the Wick Over 30 Soccer League is Now Open. Even though it says “registration is coming soon.” I was able to log in and register for the 2020 summer league. So head on over to their site to sign up. Wick Futball
Over 30 Men’s Recreational Soccer
This is one of the best values for the money in the area. Sign up and you are assigned a team. But you can also pick one other play to play with on the same team. It is for all skill levels and they generally try to make the teams evenly matched with a variety of players so the games are competitive.
The Rules
The games are on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM, on full-size fields, have licensed referees, and play full ninety (90) minute games. There are usually twenty-two or more players on a team and use liberal substitutions. While the league is competitive, it is intended to be “recreational,” therefore, there are no standings, no playoffs, or “crown” for a league champion. New players are welcome.
Looking for other leagues?
Upcoming Adult Outdoor Soccer Leagues Spring 2020
Adult Amateur Soccer Leagues